Youth Council Host Pawb a'i Farn Event!

Ceredigion Youth Council given chance to have their say!

On 13 July 2018, Ceredigion Youth Council took over the Council Chambers to host the first ever discussion session in Ceredigion, organised and led by Ceredigion Youth Council. The event was an opportunity for Ceredigion Youth Council to ask questions regarding issues which effect young people, to a panel of influential decision makers.

The panel members were Ben Lake MP; Sally Holland, Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Wales; Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner and Catrin Miles, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Learning Services and Lifelong Learning. The event was opened and closed by the Chair of Ceredigion County Council Youth Council, Beca Wiliiams and hosted by former Ceredigion Member of Youth Parliament, Wil Jac Rees. A number of questions were prepared and presented to the panel by members of Ceredigion Youth Council which focused on topics including Transport, the Welsh language, a Curriculum for Life, Support for LGBT+ Young People, Cyber Safety and Voting at 16. Representatives from each Secondary School, Coleg Ceredigion and Youth Organisations within Ceredigion were present in the audience.

Gwion Bowen, Children and Young People’s Participation Officer for Ceredigion Youth Service said, “It’s vitally important that young people are given a platform to have their voices heard and the opportunity to discuss issues and topics which affect them. This event was the first of this kind in Ceredigion, and the Youth Service were pleased to support the Ceredigion Youth Council to host the event. Ceredigion Youth Service would like to thank the Youth Council for their hard work and commitment throughout the year, to supporting the rights of children and young people in Ceredigion.“

Beca Williams, Chair of Ceredigion Youth Council said, “As Chair of Ceredigion Youth Council, I was very pleased for the opportunity to discuss various topics with a enthusiastic and knowledgeable panel. It was a pleasure to be involved in mature and comprehensive discussions about diverse issues which effect young people in our county today. The presence of a large number of Ceredigion’s young people was a huge boost to the success of the event."

Ben Lake MP said, “It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to answer questions, listen to opinions and take part in challenging discussions with the young people of Ceredigion at the Pawn a’i Farn' event recently. Ceredigion Youth Council provides the deserving platform for representatives of our schools and youth organizations to have their say on the issues that matter to them and it is encouraging to see the types of topics raised by our young people - from mental health services to online safety, and the Welsh language. Politicians and elected representatives have a duty to respond to the aspirations and concerns of our young people, giving due regard to the effect that any decisions and policies could have on our young generation.

